
"Empowering a Boundless Future in Virtual Realms and Beyond"

At phielcy, our vision is to revolutionize the world of virtual experiences. We're committed to empowering individuals and organizations to harness the full potential of virtual worlds, whether it's for immersive learning, efficient remote work, or groundbreaking innovations. We see a boundless future where the boundaries between the physical and virtual worlds blur, opening up new horizons for human interaction and growth. With a focus on virtual realms and a commitment to pushing the boundaries of technology, we aspire to redefine how people connect, learn, and collaborate. Our vision is to be at the forefront of this transformation, creating a seamless bridge between the virtual and real, and driving progress in the ever-evolving landscape of online services, virtual offices, and beyond.


Pineapple At phielcy, our cutting-edge platform is the cornerstone of immersive virtual experiences. With our robust online VR servers and services, users can seamlessly access a world of possibilities through our user- friendly apps, 'we.are', '' and 'server'. 'we.are' provides a gateway to a myriad of virtual worlds, making exploration and collaboration effortless. '' empowers creators and innovators to build their virtual environments with ease, fostering limitless creativity. Our 'server' app ensures secure and efficient management of virtual spaces, enabling businesses to establish virtual offices and beyond. Together, these components constitute a comprehensive ecosystem that redefines how individuals and organizations engage with the virtual realm, setting the stage for boundless opportunities and seamless connectivity.


Pineapple Our diverse range of services includes the production of Virtual Reality (VR) solutions in the fields of online education and learning, as well as online VR applications for professional purposes and more. We are actively engaged in developing and producing exceptional VR educational content, allowing individuals to create immersive and professional learning environments for themselves. Additionally, our online VR applications provide access to virtual communities and online workspaces, enabling businesses and individuals to operate effectively and efficiently in virtual work environments. These services offer a fresh perspective on education and professional development, utilizing the latest technologies to assist individuals and organizations in achieving their goals.

Furthermore, our comprehensive suite of services goes beyond VR content production and online applications. We offer expert consultation services in tailoring VR solutions for specific job-related and business needs. Our team of experienced consultants collaborates with you to develop customized VR products that align perfectly with your objectives. Additionally, we understand the importance of seamless operations in the virtual world. That's why we provide round-the-clock, 24/7 support for VR rooms and apps, ensuring that your experience remains uninterrupted and optimized. Whether it's troubleshooting, maintenance, or assistance, our dedicated team is always at your service, making sure your VR environment is ready for action whenever you need it.